Wednesday, September 10, 2008

PoOp Happens!?!

What a day! We go to Brooklyn's doctor appt. @ 11:00. Dr. Miley gave us some eye drops and a sticker. When needed a few things from the NEX so we went there afterwards. As most "women" (or at least my mom) do you go in the grocery store planning to get 4 things and it somehow ends up being 20. Anyways me and the kids go in. Get this and that Cale starts getting fussy... he's hungry. I put the good ole pacifier in, he's OK. Almost done then I smell something... Cale to be exact. I'm thinking wow he just dumped him self. (ha ha I said dump for you Erica:) So I go to look and "OH MY GOTCH!!!" This boy has had a major blow-out! Like he's sitting in a small puddle. (sorry to the pregnant women reading) So now not only is he hungry, he wants his diaper changed. To make matters worse Cale is so mad that he's slinging his arms around, but not before he put his hand to the side of him in you know what! So now Cale has a yellow hand, yellow leg and since he's slinging his arms around now he has poop up by his face on his head padding. I head to self check out and sure enough I get behind "grandma" and she's not so hot with the self check out. Finally my turn I check out and off to the truck. I debated whether or not to take Cale out and clean him off as best as I could before I got home, but I decided that that would probably only cause a bigger mess so he sat in "it" til we got home. Cale then got an immediate bath and his car seat got an immediate washing and is now air drying.

Here's a picture of my big girl Brook after her Dr. appt. (Notice her sticker)

And here's a picture of Cale after he had a bath. I also have pictures of the blowout if you would like to see them. ;)

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