Friday, April 17, 2009

What a Day...

Had errands to run today; we went to a thrift shop, Target, and Wal*Mart. Thrift Shop, not bad both kids did good. Target wasn't that bad either, the biggest thing to happen was that Brooklyn needed to use the bathroom. Not that big of a deal you might say? But when holding a purse, a diaper bag, a target sack, and a 22 pound boy it tends to get tricky. Thankfully as I was trying to shove all of us and all our things into a small stall a sweet lady asked if she could help me by holding some bags or holding Cale. I gave her Cale (the bags can't squirm or touch the walls) and quickly helped Brooklyn do her thing. The lady was so nice and helpful. Now on to Wal*Mart, for starters its been raining off and on all day. When we get to Wal*Mart it's raining, I get the kids out of the car go inside put Cale in the seat of the basket. He throws a fit, he's sleepy. So we go back out to the car get the baby back-pack, come back inside I put Cale in snap him up and then have Brook hold him while I put the straps on. Cale's in good but then starts trying to climb me. I put Brook in the basket and we start on our way. I take about 10 steps go to reach for the grocery list in my back pocket (getting groceries was my whole reason for going out today) IT'S NOT THERE! Oh my gosh you have got to kidding me!!! Now what I'm I going to do? I can't remember all that was on my list, so I decide to go back to the car hoping it would be there and as I am about to walk through the doors for the 4th time I look over to were I had put my human back-pack on and there it is!!!!! AAHHH Thank GOD! Now I was finally ready to begin grocery shopping. I was getting some frozen pizza out, Cale still on my back I have the door open and then Cale leans to the side and hits his head on the door. Sorry Buddy. He eventually falls asleep, but since he's on my back his head is tilted all the way back with his face pointing to the celing. Not comfortable, so I turn him to the front. Despite that my sholders and back were killing me (and still are) we did manage to finish our shopping and make it home. Man I can't wait till Jonathan is back.

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